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♥ ; Tuesday, June 16, 2009
最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 ♥


welcome to the funeral preparation of legallyfatal.blogspot.com
in case you havent noticed, my blog is dead.
in th midst of planning my funeral and all,
would you be kind enuf t witness th sad going of th deceased.
may we look forward t a new life.



extra information: this blog died on th 1st of may, 2009
unfortunately due t lack of nutrients and vitamins
died a tragic death.

due t some unforeseen situations, th preparations of th funeral was delayed.
pls look happy at this point.
before the main funeral begins.

♥ 3:54 AM,
Because you broke the promise you made.

♥ ; Monday, April 27, 2009
最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 ♥

27th April,09
Recapping on yesterday.
woke up at 7.01. quite tired, thn washed up and prepared to go out.
met cheryl and jie qi at smb platform thn waited for th rest t come.
trained t harbourfront thn took express train go there.
when reached thr was alr like so damn hot. wa lao, thn somemore no court.
waited a while, tn played a while. finally got court thn went t play.
run thr thn th sand was like so damn fucking hot!!! burned my feet sia. ennd up play a little while
thn go play water. jie qi, cammie, chuan and cheryl go sun tan. sun tan halfway got one banglah
keep looking at thm. eeyer, so er xin.
after a while went t shower, thn leg was very pain cos of th sand.
.. blahblahblah,
went back t harbourfront eat, walk here walk there. chuan was like so th red! lol!
like cherry liddat. haha, thn they all got tan a bit, ym face damn red. went canndy empire for a while,
thn trained home.
mom at home thn tell me go put the aloe vera gel thn wont pain.
aiyah, i forget put neck, thn tis morning wake up got sun burn,
xia suay, tday hanndfone go holiday. dun noe when will get back.
went rac home after tht.
sian larh, tday.

no, i dun hate you anymore.

♥ 1:59 AM,
Because you broke the promise you made.

♥ ; Saturday, April 4, 2009
最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 ♥

4th april, 09,
woke up this morning, feeling tired. tday got training as usual, very tiring.
okae, so going t recap on this week's event. not sure of th date though.

recently, our class got chicken pox outbreak. lol, so bored, thn arh ma also nvr come.
miss jihan nvr come thn quite happy cos got 3 free period can slack!!^^
nth much, thn discussed bout class tee, tricked miss tan say wat nvr bring math
textbook. actually, thrs really nothing much t post on.

forget bout recap, dun really feel like posting.
ytd got caught because of socks, thn xia suay mr raj take over.
thn end up we all hav to get this monitor thingy.
lol. went t see mr gamini thn he said no nid go suspend!! yay!
went t see netball match, waa so exciting!
lol thn went t sp buy bubbletea thn bused hme..
i live by such a boring life......

this is meant for you, if you ever read it, good for you.
you noe who you are, you noe what you cant have anymore.
you should be able t tell by now how unimportant you are in our lifes.
you are not some big shot which we must give in t you.dont act all dua pai
like we must give in t you like tht. it so happens tht thrs one thing you dun seem t noe,
being wat you are not is onli something a freak will do.
dun pretend, why are so afraid tht ppl will see you as weak?
accept th fact and get on with your life.
dun act like youre someone i must give a damn t.
GET THIS IN YOUR HEAD, STOP acting as if you are an AHlIAN.
okae, if after all this you still dun understand, i shall tell you in plain english:

♥ 7:59 AM,
Because you broke the promise you made.

♥ ; Saturday, March 28, 2009
最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 ♥

QUIZ Time!!!!
lol rachel ask me do one. so here it is!

1. Besides your lips,where is the favorite spot to get kissed?
- Cheek maybe?

2. How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
- harh tday got training arh?...

3. Who was th last person you took photo with?
-rachel? must be...

4. Would you consider yourself t be spoiled?
- very!!

5. Would you ever donate blood?
- see first bah... pain anot?

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
- yes!

7. Do u want someone dead?
- no have.

8. What does ur last text message says?
- you can call my handphone? i tink so bah...

9. What are you thinking right now ?
- i very hungry!!!!!!!

10. Do you wish someone is beside you now?
- Not really.

11.What is th time you go to bed last night?
- 01 34!

Where do you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
- err......

13. Is someone on your mind right now?
- yup!

14. Who was th last person who text you?
- Qiaoying.

15. 10 ppl tagged to do this quiz.

2. Rachel.
3. Kenbe.
4. Qiaoying.
5. Cheryl
6. Joel
7. Elizabeth.
8. Jarrel
9. Dannie
10. Amanda

16. Who is 2 having a relationship with? (Rachel)
- dunnoe..
17. Is 3 a male or a female? (Kenbe)
- Female.

18. If 7&10 gets tgt,would it be a good thing? (Elizabeth&Amanda)
- Bu Ken Neng. thy dun noe each other.

19. What is 1 studying? (Natellie)
- Wat a student should be studying.

20. When was th last time you chat with them? (All)
- dun noe leh

21. Is 4 single? (Qiaoying)
- Should Be?

22. Say something abt No2. (Rachel)
- Greatest MILKSHAKE!!!

23. What do you think abt 3&6 being tgt? (Kenbe&Joel)
- thy dun noe each other.

24 . Describe 9. (Dannie)
- Cute, funny, great friend!

25. What will you do if 6&7 fight? (Joel&Elizabeth)
- unlikely. have they even seen each other?

26. Do you like 8? (Jarrel)
- yup! he rawks!

finally do finish th quiz!
still got lttle energy t post.^^

28 march, 09
tday got training...
woke up, thn meet milkshake and lolli at 7-eleven.
whn thr, saw cammie, kenbe and cheryl.
lol thn saw violent dear.
blah blah blah......milkshake and lolli come....
thn whn training.
training okae larh, nt very tough. but thn tday during pt got breathing problems.
dunnoe what happened, usually won't liddat one leh.
nvrm. dun care. after training when t mac wit lolli, junior and milkshake.
junior become mii mei leh thn she very cute, quite like her.
thn at bubbletea thr saw violent dear again. whn t bus stop wait for bus
wit lolli, lol both our bus come at the same time.
thn bused back home...
home de qi fen so damn different lol.
kor close door, dad close door, thn onli i open door.
in th end i also close door lorh....
so cold sia, but nvrm. i will survive tis de.

i am not going t bother myself with you anymore.
i am not going to waste my time.
so forget about me getting angry cos of you.
i not so free t entertain you lorh.

♥ 7:44 AM,
Because you broke the promise you made.

♥ ; Friday, March 27, 2009
最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 ♥

Quiz Time!!!
Milkshake ask mi do tis quiz,
so here goes:

Write th names of 21 friends you can think of th top of your head, and then answer th questions. After doing this, tag your 21 friends t do th same .

1. Yun Min
2. Lenice.
3. Khodi.
4. Weiting.
5. Xiang bei.
6. Elizabeth.
7. Rachel.
8. Chuan I
9. Qiao Ying.
10. Jarrel.
11. Maisy.
13. Charmaine.
14. Xue li.
15. Johnson.
16. Rena.
17. Eunice.
18. Qian hui.
19. Nathallie.
20. Shawn.
21. Cammie.

How did you meet 7? (Rachel.)
- Schl.

What would you do if you and 15 had never met? (Johnson.)
- Nothing...

o.oWhat would you do if 20 and 1 dated? (Yun Min & Shawn.)
- Nothing? cos.....

Have you ever seen 17 cry? (Eunice.)
- yeah..

Would 4 and 16 make a good couple? (Weiting & Rena.)
- Confirm no!Lol

Do you think 11 is attractive? (Maisy.)
- yup!^^

What's 2's favourite colour? (Lenice.)
- Erm.....

When was th last time you talked t 9? (Qiao ying.)
- yesterday nite.

What language does 8 speak? (Chuan I.)
- chinese, english. duh..

Who is 13 going out with? (Charmaine.)
- not sure.

What grade is 16 in? (Rena.)
- Sec2, should be Grade 8 rite?

Would you ever date 17? (Eunice.)
- nvr.

Where does 18 live? (Qian hui.)
- just above my house..

What is th best thing about 4? (weiting.)
- she makes a great friend!

What would you like t tell 10 right now? (Jarrel.)

What is th best thing about 20? (Cammie.)
- Chio bu!

Have you ever kissed 2? (Lenice.)
-no way.

What's th best memory you have of 5? (Xiang Bei.)
- My primary 5 yrs!!!

When's th next time you're going t see 4? (weiting.)
- not sure...

How is 7 different from 6? (Rachel& Elizabeth.)
-Rachel horrrny sia....

Is 2 pretty? (lenice.)
- you can say tht...

What was your first impression of 15? (Johnson.)
- not so sure...

How did you meet 3? (Khodi.)
- erm, in class?

Is 15 your best friends? (Johnson.)
- you can say tht..

Do you hate 12? (Jessica.)
- Obviously NO! she rawks man!!

Have you seen 18 in th last month? (Qian hui.)
- Should have bah

When was th last time you saw 16? (Rena.)
- Like last yr?

Have you been t 5's house? (Xiang Bei.)
- no..

When's th next time you'll see 10? (Jarrel.)
-Not tht sure...

Are you close t 11? (Maisy.)
- Maybe?

Have you been t movies with 4? ( Weiting.)
- Nopes.

Have you gotten into trouble with 8? (Chuan i.)
- Should i be?

Would you give 19 a hug? (Natallie.)
- Nopes.

When have you lied t 3? (Khodi.)
- when i was primary five. so sorry!!!

Is 11 good at socialising? (Maisy.)
- i Suppose so.

Do you know a secret about 8? (Chuan i.)
- i dun think so....

Describe th relationship between 12 & 18. (Jessica & Qian Hui.)
- They dun noe each other...

What's th best thing about your friendship with 9? (Qiao Ying.)
-Not tht sure?

What's th worst thing about 6? (Elizabeth.)
- Nothing. she's a great friend!

Have you ever had a crush on 12? (Jessica.)
- Nope.

How long have you know 2? (Lenice.)
- since last yr?

DDoes 11 have a bf/gf? (Maisy.)
- I not sure.

Have you ever wanted t punch 1 in th face? (Yun Min.)
- Nope.

Has 21 met your mother? (Cammie)
- nvr..

How did you meet 11? (Maisy.)
- in school.

Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3? (Khodi.)
- harh got arh??:(

Do you live close t 7 ? (Rachel.)
- Nope.

What is 8's favourite food? (Chuan I.)
- Not sure.

What kind of car does 1 have? (Yun Min.)
- Not Sure.

Have you travelled anywhere with 9? (Qiao Ying.)
- As in?

If you gave 14 $100 , what will they spend it on? (Xue Li.)
- A lot of things?

hahas:) finally finish th quiz... so tired.

♥ 5:23 AM,
Because you broke the promise you made.

♥ ; Tuesday, March 24, 2009
最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 ♥

24 march, 09
haiss not going t elaborate too much bout tday.
woke up at 5.56 thn cos very tired thn went bac t sleep.
woke up again at 7.05 thn realised late alr thn went back t sleep.
reawoke again at 7.14.( i keep waking sleeping waking sleeping sia.)
so boring sia, thn when t sch.
reached at around 8.05, watse my money sia i took cab.
lucky mr gamini nvr ask mi do detention. went bac t class.
ms jihan and mrs ng both nvr come class tday thn was like slacking th whole day lol.
after school went t training, tday train not say very tough.
poor arhma and kenbe got colour on their shirt thn nid go wash.
i feel so bored sia at thr cos we keep nvr play match but nvm.
not realli loking foward t tmr sia...

fucker sia. damn bitch. dun act all haolian.
you deserved it. you should have seen it coming, shouldn't you?
but thn again, i dun think you noe anything. too bad.

♥ 6:02 AM,
Because you broke the promise you made.

♥ ; Saturday, March 21, 2009
最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐 ♥

21th march, 09
tday had training, met arh ma at her house(fbt delivery) thn bused t sp. met violent dear,
cheryl, cammie and kenbe thr thn walk tgt t sch. wlao, training like wth so tough sia!
okae larh, not say very tough, but i ended up wit cuts on mi hands cos of pt.

yes tiring, and obviously i actually didn wan go cos of some reason.
ended up going. surprisingly tday no one give any attitude.
for pt we had t do tis swimming thingy(i think?) on the ground.
very xing ku leh, but kind of fun. thn got training...
after training went home get clothes wait for uncle come fetch me.
found out tht thrs tis round metal thingy stuck in my hand
took it out after a long time, damn, my finger hurt like hell sia.
went t uncle house celebrate b'dae.
thn sit here talk about stuff. lol, nth much.

♥ 6:27 AM,
Because you broke the promise you made.

♥ tht girl

Photobucket Evangel
a volleyball player who is currently studying in
sembawang secondary
14th yr of trouble and mischieve.
first cry(not very sure is reALLY cry ornot) on 19/12/1995
a girl who is rebellious at times,
she cant live without her beloved addictions
she crys, screams, laughs and shouts like an ordinary girl.
love me or hate me, its up to you
watever you do, i will do it back to you
all are welcome,
but if you havent notice,
this is MY blog.
so please respect it
do leave a tag,(with your link and name)
and lastly,
enjoy your stay!

♥ its song

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>2E3 '09 english blog??
min er
xue li